Friday, November 26, 2010

These Guys Are My IDOLS!!

If you know anything about screen printed concert posters or art prints, Print Mafia should be well within your radar. Nothing is sacred and they will destroy your childhood. But you will look forward to it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wet, Nasty Day

Today was supposed to be the day I went for a bike ride/interview. It was going to be epic. Twenty-seven miles of autumnal wilderness through Southern Illinois. But no, Mother Nature decided to take a giant leak. No making epic sketches in the middle of nowhere with other talented artists. No showing off my portfolio in a setting that matches the color palate that I had chosen for the occasion.

Now they want to get on their mountain bikes and play in the mud. No mountain bike here. FML. I really needed this job interview.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Three color, screen printed poster. 11" x 17"
 Good stuff mazn.

Wewt, new transportation, just in time for winter

Yeah, I'm a bike nerd. What of? You gonna come at me bro?

So here's the new ride. I'll be using it to deliver prints and proofs and do client interviews. You know, the same thing you would do with a car but I'm not going to be shelling out $100/mo for car insurance and paying almost $3/gal for gas.

This 1983 Peugeot race bike is replacing my 1990 GT Outpost as my "daily driver," if you will.
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Can't wait to pick it up tomorrow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Poster - Music At MAC

17" x 11"
Yeah, that's the 4chan girl redrawn and recolored, Kozik style, for this edition of Music At MAC. Three locals and two out of town bands bringing you the rock at Maiden Alley Cinema.

This is just a proof graphic, for an alternate version that I designed earlier this week. Not a liberty to show it off yet.