Monday, April 18, 2011

I’ma beat somebody

I walked into my shop today and found a subwoofer sitting on one of my screens. Mesh side up with this 40 pound plywood monstrosity sitting square in the middle of it. The best part is the person that did it is such a know it all they should have known better.

That said, don’t fark with a man’s print shop, especially if you “know what you’re doing.” One of my good poster screens now has a tear in it and that seriously puts a damper on my money making prospects.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Setting Up Shop

Due to circumstances beyond my control I will be moving the Fresh Prints shop. I’ll be back after a short time and will keep you posted on the state of things as they are settled. Right now we are in a state of flux. My graphics workstation is with me and is being used heavily. The rest of the shop has been packed away for the time being. As things settle in to place it will be set up and things will return to something resembling normal.

Several new pieces are in the works. Some will be posted just for funsies, some have been posted to the Imagekind store for sale as digital prints and a select few will go to press as a limited run of screened art prints.

Stay tuned for new prints and thanks for your support in these trying times.